A new chapter of my life began...when I left a small lil' island called HOME to a much bigger island called TASMANIA... but, life is still going to be as blessed or even MORE BLESSED and CRAZY because God is watching out for me. :-) SO here's a testament to that!...

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Second Decade.

I know this may sound silly, but I never thought I'd reach the big 2-0.

I recall being a 13/14 year old teenage boy looking at the date 5th of Apr 2008 on the calendar and thinking to myself:"Whoa...I wonder how it would be like when I reach 20. Everything will be so different then. I will be so much taller, more good-looking, growing a goatee and probably be studying in London or something."

Well, I'm here.

And, I am a living testament against my own wistful thinking. So, to anyone who may have had that same thought cross their mind or is contemplating on that thought, let me enlighten you.

Stop looking too far into the future. Let time take its own course. What fun is a roller coaster ride when we know exactly where the steep turns and tumbles are? What fun is there opening a present on Boxing Day when you already know what the present is? Let time and age unfold itself. Don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Sometimes, not knowing where you're going is actually more fun than going somewhere you already know.

And so I say to Life, bring on the long and winding path!


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