A new chapter of my life began...when I left a small lil' island called HOME to a much bigger island called TASMANIA... but, life is still going to be as blessed or even MORE BLESSED and CRAZY because God is watching out for me. :-) SO here's a testament to that!...

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Tried taking a break but it doesn't seem to work?

Why not try taking a break from people?

Sometimes, it's best if we just had some "alone time", free from the layers of fake smiles we put on(even when we're hurting inside) and the fuss of trying to create events to entertain everyone(but yourself).

When was the last time you didn't have to worry about appeasing other people with activities you so pain-stakingly planned but did not work out anyway? When was the last time you needn't be concerned whether your best mate doesn't spend as much time with you anymore?

When was the last time you took yourself out for a good meal, a movie or just laze off time with a good book and a cup of your favourite drink in hand?

Life without people is a bore. But a life lived out for people is no life at all.


Blogger Unknown said...

Quote: But a life lived out for people is no life at all.

If life is not for people, who then is it for?

Don't live for yourself. Live for others. That is in our making. =)

1/23/2008 6:38 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work.

11/12/2008 12:06 PM


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