A new chapter of my life began...when I left a small lil' island called HOME to a much bigger island called TASMANIA... but, life is still going to be as blessed or even MORE BLESSED and CRAZY because God is watching out for me. :-) SO here's a testament to that!...

Monday, October 15, 2007

Are you bloody SeRiOuS!!!???

What's the thing you hate most when you first wake up in the mornings?

The loud sharp ring of your alarm clock that screams in your ear, pulling you out of the nice dream that you were having?

Or, is it the piercing sunlight that escaped the opaque curtain of your room window and forces you to open your eyes without your permission?

Well, if all that does not annoy you in the mornings, try adding the "maa-ing" (I had to look up Wikipedia to find that word) of goats to that list! That's right...GOATS...as in G-O-A-T-S!!!

Yesterday night, I was doing my revisions and my housemate and his friend were watching a movie in his room, when I suddenly heard "MAA...". I shrugged it off as some noise my sometimes drunken downstair neighbours made. But moments after, I heard it again! I went to my housemate's room to make sure I was not hallucinating. It so happened that he was watching the show 'Barnyard'(ironically). And the moment I opened his door, he asked me "Was that the sound of goats I heard? Don't look at me, it's not coming from this room! I think our nearby neighbours are rearing GOATS!" And I thought I was hearing animal noises from doing my math revision!*phew* So, that night I had to suffer the intermittent and intolerable sound of "maa-ing". I thought to myself:"maybe the owners are just keeping it for the night before they butcher it tomorrow morning." So, I decided to dig deep to find the sanity to bear with the insane. Boy, was I wrong!

This morning, instead of the steady ring of my alarm or the glaring sunlight, I had those dear, DEAR GOATS to wake me up! *grinds teeth* And, that was not just it...oh no... they had to wake me up at 6 something in the morning! I thought I was dreaming. One of those twilight hours kind of dream, you know? So, I went back to sleep...to be awoken up by those bloody goats a few minutes later! How do I know there was more than one goat, you may ask? That's because I heard two registers of "maa-ing". They were making some freakin' music! By that time, I was certain I was not dreaming about the movie BABE...It was like they came back with a vengeance. They kept on going "maa...maaa...MAA-AAAAA-AAAAAAAA!!!" You get the picture. I kid you not, I was so prepared to take the biggest knife in my kitchen, and strut down there in my pyjamas and slaughter them for some Hari Raya rendang or something!

I would totally understand if I was living in some farm in the countryside and milking cows for a living. But for goodness sake! We're in a suburb! Where NORMAL people rear pets like dogs, cats or at most, pythons! But, to rear something that people in the Swiss alps yoddle about is bit too absurd, don't you reckon?

Forget about the culture shock people tell you about. THIS is by far, the craziest thing I have come across. Period.


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