A new chapter of my life began...when I left a small lil' island called HOME to a much bigger island called TASMANIA... but, life is still going to be as blessed or even MORE BLESSED and CRAZY because God is watching out for me. :-) SO here's a testament to that!...

Friday, April 25, 2008

How are ya?

What's one of the most cliched lines you use to comfort or to encourage others in their difficult times? Is it something like "Oh...cheer up! We all go through seasons in our lives. Just hang in there till a better time comes" or "Everyone goes through difficult times too..." and etc...

Is it just me? Or does anyone else feel like those lines are so overused that it has become some sort of a platitude.

Aren't you tired of replying "Oh, I'm doing just fine, thank you" or "Nothing much" to the numerous "HOW ARE YOU"s or "HOW'S IT GOIN'"s? Those greetings have just become so plain and meaningless, don't they? And, we in turn become like telephone answering machines, regurgitating those same "I'm fine, thank you" lines in reply.

Have you for a second, even stopped to think that maybe, just maybe you're NOT always 'fine' or 'alright'? Have we become so afraid to let people know how we really feel?

And, the people who ask those questions, for the most part, really just want you to reply 'Yea, I'm alright' and hastily move on with their agenda.

How many of our "How are ya"s really do mean something?

How many of us can truly claim that we're 'just fine, thank you' ALL THE TIME?

I'm not trying to advocate poverty eradication or world peace. But, I am a firm believer that the biggest outcomes start from the smallest beginnings. A heartfelt whisper is more meaningful than an elaborate speech void of sincerity. If we could all just be a tad bit more genuine with something as simple as a greeting, who knows the extent of lives we are able to impact.

So, seriously, "How are ya"?


Blogger Lin said...

haha...daniel, i thought the same way u did too...
sick of ppl asking "how r u?" n everytime they ask i do NOT know how to reply...

4/26/2008 9:56 AM

Blogger feifei said...

haha it is true..but then again, ppl usually ask dat when they start a convo.. it's kinda da norm.. =.= i guess they felt dat it's more polite this way than immediately launching into their story or wateva it is dat they wanna tell u..

5/02/2008 5:59 PM

Blogger prasana@poel said...

HOW R U LAH PPL!!! kidding!!!!!!
well this is like the worlds most famous line to start an msn convo expecially...hahaha...but very true,it has been overused till its very meaning and purpose is GONE! so DAN...come up wtih something else we could all use and truly mean in our hearts ..HOW ARE YOU!

p.s. Apa khabar perhaps? hehehehe

5/08/2008 6:06 PM


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